Customer Support Must Come Before Business Success
Annie purchased an item from a website. This item had to be imported by the seller and as luck would have it, the item was delayed at the customs warehouse due to procedural wrangles. As far as Annie was concerned, her purchase was not fulfilled because it failed to be delivered at her address on expected date. The seller begged her to grant a one-week extension which she did. Unfortunately for the seller, the customs officials were not in a helpful mood and the item continued to languish at the warehouse. Annie, unwilling to wait any longer, called customer support and requested for a refund which; the seller instantly granted. Most sellers would have argued that delays due to custom procedures are routine. Very few sellers would think “so whose fault is it? Why should the customer suffer the delay?” Sometimes a package might go missing in transit. The seller needs to sort it out with the shipping agency using the sellers own time and not at the expense of the customer...