
Showing posts from August, 2020

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and How it is Beneficial for your Business

Tired and frankly a bit thirsty too, I was sitting at a bar near my office and overheard an interesting conversation on the topic of SEO between two guys sitting adjacent to me. Since I did not know their names, let us just call them “first” and “second” guy. Well, it seems the first guy refurbishes diesel fuel injectors. He had just started his workshop a few months back and had now also paid some Indian company $250 to setup a website. Purpose of the website was to facilitate prospective customers to send defective fuel injectors to him and he would repair them and send them back to the customer. Fees to be paid online. Apparently, brand-new fuel injectors are very expensive. Problem it seems was that despite the website being online for over a month, he had so far not received even a single query. To which, the second guy who I assume had some IT background, asked “did you do a search engine optimization”. “I need to get the search engine optimized?” asked the first guy. I realized ...